Rob Hogan wins Irish and British Speedgolf Championships in the same week.
Rob Hogan, a PGA golf coach in Dundrum House Golf Club, Tipperary has won the 2022 Speedgolf Irish Open and the 2022 British Speedgolf Championships all in the same week. He played all four round of both tournaments in a mind boggling 40 minutes shooting golf scores as low as 75. Hogan, who was the tournament host of the Irish event said that he was delighted and honoured to take the title of Irish champion at Dundrum House competing against a truly international field and that to sustain that high in the Oxfordshire, Springs Golf club on the Thames was a dream come true. He paid tribute to support from friends, family and sponsors including Alan Kilkenny Construction, Rob Hurley electrics, New Dimensions Active Sportswear and Hard Metal Machine tools. His triumphs were in the face of serious competition from many international players including long course world record holder Scott Dawley, legendary husband and wife duo Wes and Lauren Cupp, former UK champion Luke Willett and sensational newcomer, PGA pro Luke bone. Hogan’s final round at The Springs (75 in 34 minutes) of Speedgolf score 109 sees him becoming one of only two players in history to break 110 on a Speedgolf long course (+6000 yards). It is believed that 6 players have broken 110 on a short course (5500 – 6000 yards), a club led by New Zealander Jamie Reid, that Hogan himself joined in May in Fitzroy Golf Club, New Zealand. Hogan’s long course time record set in Sacramento was broken by Jamie Taylor at the British Championships when Jamie returned an historic time of 29 minutes. Keep abreast of future developments in Irish Speedgolf including tournaments for players of all standards.
Check out his content through his Instagram page – @speedgolfrob
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