LIAM COX - The Lap of the Map 2023!
Who is Liam Cox?
Liam’s background is in rowing, he used to row a lot as a teenager and up until his first year in university. Liam started running sporadically then at the tail end of college. He’s been training about 5-6 days a week since he was 14 so really it is an ingrained habit, training is a huge part of his life and is important for his mental and physical health.
Liam ran 12 marathons in 12 days in December 2020. He ran the 12 marathons in order to raise funds for a brilliant charity called North West Stop, which he is fundraising again this year for. We raised an amazing €35,000 which enabled them to provide over 850 counselling sessions in 2021. It meant so much more to him than that. He was completely overwhelmed by people’s support throughout. So many people came out running with him, donated, shared something on social media! There was such an amazing community spirit.
“Dream big! There is a high chance of failure taking on a challenge like running around the coastline of Ireland, but no risk no reward! We are capable of so much more than we think we are. Have a go, take a risk, and if you fail take your learnings and make yourself better!”
Find Liam on Instagram (@liamcox93) where you can track his progress during the Lap of the Map.
Running the coastline of Ireland in aid of North West Stop!
Starting on Saturday the 26th of August, Liam will begin his run around Ireland from Carrick on Shannon and he will continue clockwise around the coast of Ireland, aiming to finish back in Carrick in early October.
The challenge will involve running over 2,500km in total averaging over 60km per day, total over the course of approximately 6 weeks. When Liam previously fundraised for @northweststop during Christmas of 2020, it was one of the most special experiences of his life.
Liam believes that the services of North West STOP are really important in the region. He is passionate about doing his bit to help raise funds for the cause. North West STOP provides free counselling for all ages across the North West region and he needs people’s help to make this possible.
Liam has created a route and a Google Docs form for people to fill out to help get the wheels in motion to make this happen.
Donation link is here: