Blain Reilly is a movement coach based in Dublin. His journey transitioning into working in the fitness industry wasn’t your typical one. He worked as a plumber for 15 years before turning a hobby into his career aged 34. The first time he set foot in a gym was over 10 years ago and training (in one form or another) has been a huge part of Blain’s life since then.
In the beginning “body bodybuilding” was his go to style of training. His focus was always aesthetics, chasing the perfect body (which he never got his words not ours) This style of training wasn’t very fulfilling and brought with it a lot of injuries. Blain’s body was feeling the stress and he found himself falling out of love with training. It wasn’t until a friend introduced him to callisthenics that his eyes were opened to this new style of training.
It was completely different to anything he had done before and he was hooked immediately. As this type of training was not very well known in Ireland most of his early teachings came from YouTube tutorials. After exhausting all of the free content he could find online Blain started to travel abroad to attend workshops and retreats, mainly in the UK but also in Spain and Turkey too. It wasn’t until he hired his first coach (Emmet Louis) that the real progress started to happen.
He can’t stress enough the importance of good quality coaching. Taking the guesswork out of training, having structure and accountability and seeing the skillset improve drastically. Hand-balancing became his new obsession. Having a deep and meaningful physical practice carried over into other parts of Blain’s life, it’s like a form of therapy for him.
Now as a coach himself, Blain wants to share all his knowledge and help people understand the benefits of having strong and mobile bodies. How to move freely without restriction or pain will benefit everyday life. His main areas of expertise are strength, flexibility and hand-balancing, all with heavy focus on mobility. The systems he uses are derived from a number of different disciplines he has practised over the years including weight training, gymnastics and yoga to name a few. Welcome to the NDA team, Blain Reilly!
“The body will become better at whatever you do. If you don’t move, your body will become better at not moving. If you move, your body will allow more movement.” – Ido portal
Check out his content through his Instagram page – @blain_reilly or on his website https://www.blainreilly.com/
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